The world of production can appear difficult and complex if you are new to it, and a course tailored to your needs can represent a comprehensive and professional guide.

Our training sessions are aimed at all those dissatisfied with general and theoretical courses and who wish to improve on their knowledge of a specific genre, and enter the music market relatively quickly with a product that reflects professional standards.

We have helped and trained many artists over the years and we appreciate that only a course tailored to the individual artist's needs and requirements can permit attainment of faster and effective results, with the guarantee of the assistance of experienced producers who have gained expertise and success in the genres (Ken Karter, in experimental techno-electronics; Gabriele Carasco, in Minimal House and Deep).

The course will be held in the studio in Berlin, where analogue and digital equipment are at the artists' complete disposal.

Adalbertstraße, 20
10997 - Berlin